Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"There are two sides to every coin"

The proverbs are pretty wise, yet sometimes the meaning can change since one society to others. In this case, I selected this proverb for the reason that this means that you should always consider all the aspects of the situation because of you can see one side and suddenly the situation can flip and show you the bad side or vice verse.
Mainly, I think most of time many people do not care about the consequences that they can bring for other persons and ourselves; therefore we can damage people, even persons who we love. In conclusion, we should be careful of the implication of our acts to predict what can happen and avoid hurt other persons

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"I have a dream..." Martin Luther King Jr., Speech at Civil Rights March on Washington, August 28, 1963

In the entire life of the human being, the dreams have been the fuel which has motivated the men. Like the most of the people, the dreams have help me to direct my efforts and they still continue driving me through the life. In my life there are all kind of dreams; love dreams, professional dreams, personal dreams and others more. However, my main dream is having a family, not any family but a good one.
Certainly, a good family is far away to be an easy issue. Otherwise, building a family unit requires many efforts; gathering values, knowledge and patience as well. Nevertheless, for me a dream does not mean an impossible. In fact, a dream is something like a goal that keeps you doing your best everyday of your life and reminds you the sense of your life.
Finally, I am really proud of my family. Surely, we are not perfect, yet we have been able to improve our personal aspects and multiply our love. I would like that the family of my dreams overcomes us and becomes as proper as big is the world.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The most I like...

In Venezuela many different holidays during the year, we celebrate the Holy Week between March and April; we have scholar holidays during August and the third week of September as well. However, Christmas holiday are the most I like.

Christmas is special in Venezuela, all the relatives get together to celebrate the Nativity and the New Year, and so you spend a beautiful time sharing with all your family. In addition, only throughout this season we can enjoy a bunch of traditional food; in fact, they are so delicious that you feel a little sad when Christmas are ending.
Also, many people organize reunions which you can go and reunited with old friend or your friends’ relatives. In addition, the people use to be relax and happy(I think that this is the reason because the politicians use the holiday for the elections).
In conclusion, because of the family’s reunion, the happiness of the people and the food Christmas is the holiday most I like.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A favorite place between many greatest places

Since I came to Iowa City, my favorite place is the Coralville bike trail. Many people can be asking why this is my favorite location and I will be explaining along this writing.
First of all, the trail is set among of a beautiful forest where you can see the river, many squirrels, rabits even deer. As a consequence, you can feel near of the nature and enjoy the landscapes.
Second, it is possible doing different types of outdoor activities, you can ride bike, walk with your dog or do running; even many people go to the trail to study seated in its benchs.
Third, the people who frequent the trail are so kind, they give you a smile when they pass beside you. Because of these persons, you can feel part of the community. Also, this place is pretty quiet, so you can relax and rest of the common noise.
As a consequence of its characteristics and the benefits that produce me, the Coralville bike trail is my favorite place to be.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A weird sensation....

First of all, I must confese that I feel pretty strange because of there are some similar events but the cold makes the difference. In Venezuela there are only two seasons, a raining season since June to November and a droughty season between December and May. Venezuela is near of the equator that is the reason why we only have two season there. We do not have the habit of review the weather because you only need to keep in mind your umbrella in the raining season, and drink much water in the summer.
In Venezuela, in the droughty season the most of the trees lose their leaves, and so do they here. This event is produced by the water lacking in the ground, while, the low temperatures present in Iowa City's fall produce the same effect in the trees native of these flatland. At the same way that here, in Venezuela the pasture turns in a browny color as well.
However, there are to big diferences; these alterations are the reasons of my strange feeling. First, the temperature is so fresh, sometimes it is nice, some others it is really cold. When I look at the trees and the forest, i thought that it seens so similar to Venezuela's trees but when I feel the temperature all my sense get confused. The second difference is that the grass is always green and some trees turn in a wondeful red; nevertheless, this does not affect me so much.
The fall in Iowa City is so beautiful by its bright colors, it is nicely cold as well. Thus, some particular color remind me the colors of Venezuela.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The family always should be the first!!!

The importance of the family is the main aspect which my mom and my grandma had been trying to make me understand. Whe my parents were born, Venezuela was almost a rural country. In some places there was not high school, the people who live in those places had to moved to bigger cities to be able of graduate in the high school and go to the university. The most of the time all the members of the family had to do some sacrifices because there was not much money but everybody had the chance of having a profession.

Sometimes, while some siblings worked to get additional money, the sibling who were studying put all their efforts to graduate as soon as possible. After getting their degrees and jobs, they helped their others brothers and sisters. It could seen weird, but my father happened, more or less, for the same situation.

During that time, they lived different kind of situations which only they were able to pass through with team work, sometimes putting the common objectives upon the individual. Certainly, you have to keep in mind how important the family is, to be able of understand these kind of sacrifices.

The situation improved because of in Venezuela in the 70's and 80's, the professional workers made good money. They could give us the possibilities of have a good education. My aunts, uncles and my mother used the same techniques that my grandmother and all my generation have been able to study many different careers.

The time and the challenges have changed, but the principle is still the same: "the family first". You know! when you received so much from your parents, you have to give your children, at leat, the same..... jajajaja!!! It's funny...I still haven't a family and I feel already compromised with them.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Every persons have their own recipe

The stress has many different ways to show, depending of the person type. Every person should develop his/her own way to handle the stress, but i will share my experence about how i overcome the stress of being an inmigrant.
It is important to underline that there are two important aspects in which we focus our attention: the body and the mind. Most of the times that the stress takes its toll on us, we can feel lazy and the reason is that our brain produces some chemical compounds. These chemical substances should be "burnt" to start felling better and the best way is making exercise or other physical activities.
Otherwise, the brain response to other kind of stimuli. The fact of feelling the effects of the language's barrier or being alone far away from our country can affect some part of brain and to produce stress. Sharing with your classmates, participating in activities with english speakers and put all our efforts in improve the language can help us make better the way how we feel. Maybe these tips will not be enough for you, however you can star with them and figure out your own way to handle the strees.

Monday, October 8, 2007

I like many kind of movies

I really like many kind of movies, usually I look for the movies' trailer to see some scenes and the plot. The type of movies that I enjoy more is crime-mystery. The stories about crimes and mysteries, like "IT" or "Blood Diamonds", normally keep you expecting about what will go to happen and the details as well. I also like the french movies, they are different and they are usually related with love's stories.
I love the funny movies, is pretty graceful when you can laugh constantly with hilarious situations. "Police Academy" in the 80's, "Naked Gun" in the early 90's and "Taxi" are example of this movie's genre that had made to laugh until i had been exhasted. Mel Brook is one the funny movies producer, he is really smart when he is creating his movies.
In addition, the fantasy movies, like "Harry Potter", "The lord of the Ring" and "The Legend of Narnia", are pretty nice for me, usually I enjoy them much. This kind of movie lets you to travel through many fantasies that many of us had when we were child.
In conclusion, you can find good screenplays in many types of movie, you should try to see the most kind of them. Many movies have beatiful message that can help us in any moment of our life and, at the end, the message is the most important part of the movie.

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Sears Tower's View

Ey Marc!!! More photos in the Sears Tower.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The trip to the windy city

The last tuesday was the trip to Chicago. The travel was amazing, the bus was very confortable and we had time to know many places. First, i went to the Art Institute, it was very nice because i could see pretty near many paintings that i had only seen in my school's books. Also i could look at painting of my favorite painters like Monet and Van Gogh.

After I saw the exhibition in The Art Institute, i went to the Sears Tower's Skydesk. The view is amazing, you can see all the city and there are many posters with the most important moments in the modern history of Chicago in a lot of field like politic, sport, architecture, etc. The downtown is really big with all those stores, restaurants, the building, especially the Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Building in Deanborn St.

Finally, i walked by the bay from the Field Museum to the Navy Pier. The walking was pretty but it was very relaxing as well. There are many beautiful city and lake's views to enjoy and the Navy Pier is funny place to share with different kind of persons. It is pretty interesting that each minutes that you are in Chicago you become more confidence, you learn how treat the people and the fear vanishes pretty fast.

The trip to Chicago, the windy city, was truly awesome, it was useful to lost the big cities' fear and it approches us to another part of the American culture.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hey, people!!!! I went to the Hawkeyes' game this saturday!!! it was amazing!!... My brother got tow tickets for free in his job!!! I am so lucky!!! It is pretty exciting, the people are laughing the most of time, they enjoy the game's time. You can see many people making tailgating and many persons come from other places of Iowa. I like football so much, I was suffering all the game because there were many good playes.... The hawkeyes lost, that a shame!!! but the experience is awesome!!! I recommed you!!! you must go to the game at least once!!! Go hawk!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Every place has something special

Since I have been in the United States, I have learned that there are common and different aspects between Venezuela and the United states. Even though both societies share some characteristics, the nature of their people has produced each association.
First, in the two countries you can find many kind people in the small cities. They can help you if you need some information and make you feel pleasant. Nevertheless this behavior changes, in the same proportion, when the people go to the big cities. There are beautiful natural places in both countries, but the environments are different as well.

 However, the social development of both societies has been different and some habits and conditions have made both associations unique. The American people have strong norms about responsibility, punctuality and other things, while in Venezuela sometimes the people forget how important these are. Otherwise, The United States' economy is more developed, which makes the public services, have good conditions and the persons can enjoy them, something that is not usual in Venezuela.

 It is really important to mention that the two societies have many good aspects and we all have to value them, care and improve as well. We have to learn from each other, the mistakes and the successes, be responsible as well. Both societies have left to lose good characteristics that we can recover. Could be interesting to be able to share the good thing of both society, but now I am blessed to have the chance to know and learn.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Have fun in Iowa City!!!!!

Since i have been in Iowa City, i had have many chances to know interesting places like the Reservoir, The Apple farm and The Coralville waterpark. The first place that i know was the reservoir. There, you can make a lot of activities including swim, taning, and play football as well.Even you can go to Solon and find the entrance of the Reservoir where yo can rent boat to go over the lake.
Two week ago, i went to the Apple Farmer to choise between all the kind of apple that you can find there. It is really funny, you can walk across the farm, taste all the apple that you want, choose more tasty and make a picnic as well.
The Labor Day weekend i was in the Coralville Waterpark, there are a couple of waterslides, a big swimming pool and one cafeteria. Is a good place to share with your friend, is close to Iowa City and the ticket is cheap.
In fact, when you start to share with the people who live in Iowa City you can realize that there a lot of places in Iowa to have fun.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Who Am I?????

Hi! everybody!!!

My name is Ambrosio Melendez,I'm 32 year old. I'm building this blog because i' like my classmate know something more about me and where i come from. I'm from Venezuela and i'm here, in Iowa City, Learnig english.

I was born in a city placed in the mid-north states named Valencia, but i grew up in Barquisimeto ( In the west of Venezuela). After i graduated from High School, I moved to Valencia to start my undergraduates studies in Chemical Engineering. In December 2002 i got my engineering's degree and I started to work with food process.

In 2003 i enroled in graduate studies in Food Biotechnology to consolidate all the knowledge in the area of food sience. I was working like High School teacher during a year while i was studying my postgrade. Evenmore, i was studying another graduate study about Teaching Skills for Non-Teaching Professional at the same time that i was studying Food Biotechnology.

After my teaching job, i work in a dairy and beverage factory like Production Supervisor in the Dairy Section for almos three years. Then, I feel that i should improve my english and apply for other graduate studies because they can still help me to expand my job's perspectives.

I'm trying to get these goal because in the neary future i'd like to start my family to continue with the life's cycle, and i'd like be able to have enough time to share all the home's activities.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Did you know Venezuela?????

Some picture to see some places in Venezuela