Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A favorite place between many greatest places

Since I came to Iowa City, my favorite place is the Coralville bike trail. Many people can be asking why this is my favorite location and I will be explaining along this writing.
First of all, the trail is set among of a beautiful forest where you can see the river, many squirrels, rabits even deer. As a consequence, you can feel near of the nature and enjoy the landscapes.
Second, it is possible doing different types of outdoor activities, you can ride bike, walk with your dog or do running; even many people go to the trail to study seated in its benchs.
Third, the people who frequent the trail are so kind, they give you a smile when they pass beside you. Because of these persons, you can feel part of the community. Also, this place is pretty quiet, so you can relax and rest of the common noise.
As a consequence of its characteristics and the benefits that produce me, the Coralville bike trail is my favorite place to be.


eunyoung's blog said...

I saw there in the opposite site. I hope to go there before getting colder. very nice photo^^

Maitha said...

It seems an interesting place!!

Maybe I will visit it at my free time

Thank you for your advice !!

Rebecca K said...

The bike trail sounds like a great place to go! The picture looks very peaceful.