Sunday, February 17, 2008

High school graduation's trip!

When I graduated from High School, me and my most of my classmates, and friends, went to a Graduation's trip. Commonly in the 90's, in Venezuela the students of private schools used to organized a final trip to celebrate the High School's trip. During this time, the friends can share very intensive emotions and remember the good old time, at the end, this may be one of the last time that you can see them.

In our case, we were very expecting about the trip because to reduce the cost of the travel we started to save the money for the trip two years ago; moreover, I have been sharing with my classmates since 8 or 9 year ago, even some more than 12 years. So the group was pretty close and say "good bye" should be an important event. But also, the destiny of the trip was Curacao Island, which is one of the Netherlands Antilles, therefore, for most of us (Including me) was the first time that we are outside of Venezuela.

Although, there were some problems with the trip's logistic and the first night was exhausting when we arrived to Curacao it was awesome; almost a week of parties and beautiful beaches. However, one sunday, after a party, we decided to see the sunrise at the beach. It was nice but a little tiring. This beach is different to others that I have seen (it is in the blog picture); it is between two small mountains, the shape was like a small narrow gulf and the sea bed change sharply from 6 ft depth to 30 ft more or less. However, the place is nice for snokeling the bottom and the colors and kind of fish were amazing.

One friend ad me were doing snorkeling in the right side of the beach and because we were watching the sea bed, we did not realize that we were going out of the small gulf. It was frightening when we realized that we can not see the beach and also that we had to swim against the current because the waves stroke the mountains and provoke that part of the wave go to the gulf and another push you out the gulf.

Though I knew my swimming skills, I must confess that I was really worried for me but more for my friend because I did not know if he would be able to swim against the current. Certainly, I think that an adrenaline's stroke help me to swim as fast as I never have done and my friend could swim as fast as me (maybe he found to follow my vortex he still is tiny, so I could serve like a shield against the waves). Fortunately, we just had to a point in the mountain where we knew that there were two big rocks where we can rest.

Truly, when we came into the rocks, we were out of breath and, of course, frighten. We watch each other but we just could smile to express our feeling. After that, we swim to a similar point in the another side of the beach and rest for a while. From there we continued to the beach and rest a long long time.

The experience was really scary, and because we still meet regularly we use to remember funnily this time with smiles; but also, we reflected about how different may be the trip if we had not been able to do that huge effort. Fortunately, The Lord wanted we are here to share the experience.


eunyoung's blog said...

Wow,it was an awesome trip! The trip with high schol ftriends could be unforgettable. I'm happy to see you here in spite of the dangerous trip^^

Melanie said...

Scary indeed! I think you were in more danger than I was. It's funny how these things that are so frightening at the time make for such warm, happy memories later. That is, assuming all ends well, as it did for you!