Monday, October 8, 2007

I like many kind of movies

I really like many kind of movies, usually I look for the movies' trailer to see some scenes and the plot. The type of movies that I enjoy more is crime-mystery. The stories about crimes and mysteries, like "IT" or "Blood Diamonds", normally keep you expecting about what will go to happen and the details as well. I also like the french movies, they are different and they are usually related with love's stories.
I love the funny movies, is pretty graceful when you can laugh constantly with hilarious situations. "Police Academy" in the 80's, "Naked Gun" in the early 90's and "Taxi" are example of this movie's genre that had made to laugh until i had been exhasted. Mel Brook is one the funny movies producer, he is really smart when he is creating his movies.
In addition, the fantasy movies, like "Harry Potter", "The lord of the Ring" and "The Legend of Narnia", are pretty nice for me, usually I enjoy them much. This kind of movie lets you to travel through many fantasies that many of us had when we were child.
In conclusion, you can find good screenplays in many types of movie, you should try to see the most kind of them. Many movies have beatiful message that can help us in any moment of our life and, at the end, the message is the most important part of the movie.


eunyoung's blog said...

You are really a mania for movie. I agree with your thought that beautiful message in a movie can help us.

Linda said...

Wow! You seem to like lots of movies really! Please let me know which movie is the best.

Yun said...

I don't know the movie which u post the picture on blog. But it seems really interesting!!!

kelly said...

Yes. We can get good messages from movies...Some movies even can change our life...But why those cows are wearing boots?

Ayesha... said...

Intresting movies but I havn't seen all of them hehe =P
I also agree that some times you get a message from a movie without you know !!!

Yun said...

Yes! As you said, movie is really interesting~!

Rebecca K said...

I like "The Lord of the Rings" and "Narnia" too!