Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Many years ago… I almost forget it!

Well, I didn’t bring with me any photo. Most of the photos when I was 10 year old are in the family photo albums; however I put a He-man picture because I’m sure he was the hero in vogue during at that time. Maybe it will be hard for me to find the right kind of adjective to describe myself but I’m going to try.
Since I was 5 or 6 years old, I was far away to be a shy and quiet boy. Generally, I used to be pretty active. Every weekend the family used to go to the farm and share all the weekend doing different farm labor and enjoying the nature.
Those days in the farm when I was 10 years old were wonderful for me because I could choose between many activities like horse riding, fishing, walking in the farm and even helping in the work with the cows. Certainly, I was a restless boy, so I just need space to start my own adventures.
During my weekdays in the school, I used to go pretty early to there because my brother was in middle school and in Venezuela the middle school and the high school start at 7 am. There were a couple of friends who had also older brother in high school so we joined us to play soccer or baseball before class. However, sometimes I forgot to do a piece of homework and I take advantage of this time to complete it.
After the school, my father picked us up and we go to home to lunch. Fortunately, my mom always had delicious food and some dessert for lunch; therefore, the lunch always had an especial hue. My brother and I used to eat fast because if we finish the lunch before my father finished his nap, he took us to my school for one of my favorite activities, soccer. Fortunately, I have practiced many sports during my life and that has created such a weird love for sports.
My grandfather also had a farm where he raised goats, so if I didn’t have enough fun in my father’s farm some weekends I could created war’s stories with my brother in the goat farm. We used to fight with the enemy and throw rocks like grenade and hike the hills looking for the enemy. But not all was fun, most of time I help my aunt to do cheese… well, sometimes I watched more than I helped but she didn’t let me help her, so it wasn’t my fault I think. Or maybe could the fact of I used to eat the curd and we got less cheese have influenced in her attitude? I have to ask her.
Many times I got in trouble and my mom spanned me. I don’t regret for it, indeed, I really think she was extremely patient with me. But I wasn’t a bad kid, a just wanted to know the world and do something interesting.


eunyoung's blog said...
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eunyoung's blog said...

Your story about your childhood is wonderful and interesting. I think your character had been made in your childhood.^^ I enjoyed reading your blog. thank you!